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The Character Traits of the Typical Libran Baby – Babies-Toddler

born under libra sign

The Character Traits of the Typical Libran Baby

Your Libra Baby..

September 23 – October 22
Libras can be really beautiful babies. Personality-wise, your Libra baby will not like to be hurried and will hate having to choose between two things.

Kind Hearted and Learned

Libra children often seem older than their years and unexpectedly knowledgeable. Libras thrive when treated fairly and will obey rules that are seen to be fair. They treat others well and are kind-hearted.

Parents will need to guard against the Libra child’s ability to wheedle almost anything out of adults, especially given their fondness for sweets. Your Libra child will quickly learn to argue with total conviction and will be adept at making their needs and wants known. You will need to guard against giving in to well-reasoned demands too often in case you spoil your child.

Harmony and Balance

Libras thrive in a harmonious environment and it is essential to give them lots of attention and affection. Whilst enjoying company, Libras can pursue interests on their own and are naturally private. Your child will respect the privacy of others and will keep confidences.

Your Libra child will be thoughtful and enjoy learning from books. A young Libra should not be fussed over too much or spoilt, but will rarely need to be strongly disciplined.

The typical Libra child will recover quickly from any ailments.

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My Experience Breastfeeding the Joys and Challenges

breastfeeding cafe

My Breastfeeding Joys, Secrets and Challenges of Nursing Baby

By Barbara L. Behrmann, Ph.D.

I never had any doubt about how I was going to feed my babies. Of course I was going to nurse them! What I don’t know is where my initial determination and enthusiasm came from.

Being a Newbie

Neither my mother nor my grandmother nursed and it wasn’t as if I had grown up seeing women breastfeed. In fact, I can’t recall a single instance during my childhood in which I saw a woman put a baby to her breast.


Most of what I knew about breastfeeding wasn’t as relevant to me personally, as it was politically. In college I had read about the causes of malnutrition in the developing world and the insidious efforts of multinational corporations to convince women that formula was superior to breastmilk.

So even though I would have access to clean water, refrigeration and money to pay for formula, I wanted nothing to do with formula. Moreover, I thought of my body’s ability to bear and nourish children as a great source of power and pride.

Why would I let some company rob me of that or convince me that my milk was inferior? Nursing was actually the one aspect of having a newborn that I was most looking forward to. I would put my baby to my breast and voila! She would nurse.

Popular Culture

Moreover, I was prepared to nurse my child wherever and whenever necessary. I believed strongly – and still do – that breastfeeding needed to become more visible and would only become the cultural norm when nursing mothers come out of the nursery.
Now, years later after having nursed two children, I realize how incomplete my understanding of breastfeeding was. My first epiphany was that nursing does not always happen easily. My initiation into motherhood was built around a baby who adamantly rejected my breast for almost six, grueling weeks.

Overcoming Challenges

It involved a brief but scary bout of newborn dehydration, supplementing my incipient milk supply with a soy-based formula, (causing me to become less dogmatic) and expressing my milk every three hours around the clock with an electric pump.
I spent many days in tears, wondering if I would ever be able to nurse her at all. With the help of a supportive family and a dedicated and smart lactation consultant, my daughter finally began to nurse.
At first we could only do so in one position requiring no less than four pillows. But gradually my daughter and I learned together and we became more confident, carefree and flexible. I’ll never forget the night I awoke to discover her latched on to my breast, eyes closed, cheeks gently moving in and out. Bliss.

No Right Way to Feel About Breastfeeding

The second thing I learned is that there is no single or correct way to nurse and there is no “right” way to feel about nursing. Moreover, what works for one baby does not always work for another. Nursing my firstborn (after our rocky start) was calming and relaxing for her, regardless of where we were.
But my second was a rather aggressive nurser and easily distracted, making nursing in public difficult. I discovered that sometimes nursing in private really was necessary, political statement be damned! Today I remain as personally and politically committed to nursing as ever, but my beliefs are tempered with the realization that each woman’s experience is her own.

Nutrition and Connection

Perhaps the most important thing I learned, though, is that breastfeeding is not simply a matter of providing nutritional and immunological benefits to one’s child and it encompasses many things that are difficult, if not impossible, to learn in a “how-to” book.

I had to discover on my own that nursing can really be about how we mother our children. My daughters nursed not only when they were hungry, but also for comfort. They nursed when they were hurt, tired, frustrated or cranky. And they nursed for the pure joy and delight it gave them to be enveloped by my body, to feel my skin against theirs.
For my first daughter, in particular, nursing was the center from which she gained the security and confidence to explore her world. And although I once had vowed never to nurse a child who could ask for it in words, I could find no reason to force her to wean from something she so dearly loved. And for the most part, that I did to.

How Long?

It was only during my second pregnancy, when nursing became too physically painful, that I had to wean her completely. Several more years of nursing later, I was ready to burn my nursing bras and reclaim my body as my own.

But I love that I was able to provide my children with something that gave them not just optimum nutrition, but supreme satisfaction. I love that I was able to watch every ounce of tension in their bodies drain away after five sucks at my breast.

And I sometimes miss the humor that often accompanies a nursing toddler, the way they once enjoyed a snack of cookies and milk, the mantras they would chant in honor of my breasts. I miss the kind of intimacy that we shared, a connection that started out so primal, so basic and turned into a love affair unlike any other.

My experiences have strengthened my resolve to work toward creating a culture in which breastfeeding is the norm. But I also realize that each woman must feed her children based on the unique circumstances of her life.

Nursing in a formula-feeding culture isn’t always easy – it sometimes requires strength, determination, and tenacity – not qualities typically used to describe nursing mothers. But for me, the journey was well worth it!

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The Character Traits of a Scorpio Baby

born under scorpio sign

The Character Traits of a Scorpio Baby

Your Scorpio Baby..

October 23 – November 21

Young Scorpios have strong personalities. They know what they want and will go out and get it. Very loving and loyal to family and friends, Scorpios can, however, be wary of strangers. Your child may develop a trait of keeping his thoughts secret, but at the same time will be adept at finding out everyone else’s secrets.

Scorpios can often bear pain well so parents should learn to recognise small signs of discomfort from their babies. At play a Scorpio baby will learn from people seen as being stronger than themselves.

Your child will be active, quick to learn and intelligent.

Scorpio children often develop an almost insatiable curiosity about almost everything, but especially anything hidden, mysterious or forbidden. Parents will need to develop a tactful way of guiding their child away from unsuitable subjects.

Scorpios love to have a private place of their own, either a room or a secret hiding place. This gives them a sense of security.

Loyalty is important

Scorpio children will thrive if they believe that people around them will always be loyal.  The typical Scorpio child can be prone to accidents because of their need to do things or place more quickly than anyone else.

Typical health problems involve the nose and throat and many Scorpio children will get more coughs and colds. However, they will recover quickly.

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Healthy Toddler Treat: Carrots and Cashews


Parenting Toddlers:

Healthy Toddler Meal Side Dish: Maple Carrots and Cashews

By Cheryl Tallman and Joan Ahlers

Baby carrots are very toddler-friendly and most children love cashews. We’ve teamed up these two great tastes in a simple side dish recipe that will appeal to both the young and old.

Healthy Toddler Treat: Carrots and Cashews – Parenting Toddlers

Recipe by Cheryl TallmanCourse: SidesDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time




  • 1 pound baby carrots

  • 1 cup chicken/vegetable broth

  • 2 Tbsp butter

  • 1 Tbsp maple syrup

  • 2 Tbsp chopped cashews


  • In a saucepan bring the chicken (or vegetable) broth to a boil.
  • Add the baby carrots and return to a boil.
  • Reduce heat to low and simmer for 3 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and pour carrots and broth into a colander to drain. With the saucepan still hot, add butter and honey and stir until melted. Add the carrots and toss gently. Transfer carrots to a serving dish and sprinkle the carrots with chopped cashews.

Toddler Meal Kit – Less Mess- Easy Clean Up