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Homemade Baby Food: A Fresh Start to Healthy Eating

sweet potato puree

By Cheryl Tallman and Joan Ahlers –
Introducing solid foods is a very important step in your baby’s development and well-being. In fact, studies show that babies who are fed nutritious, healthy diets grow into stronger kids and better-adjusted eaters than those who are fed poor diets.

Many parents don’t realize that making baby food at home is a simple and economical plan to provide your baby with the best in quality, nutrition and taste. It makes it easy for you to ensure your child gets the best start possible. Making baby food using fresh, all-natural ingredients has many benefits, including:

  • Increased nutritional value
  • Elimination of additives
  • Improved freshness
  • Added variety
  • Enhanced control
  • Lower costs

Increased nutritional value

Vitamins and other nutrients are critically important to your baby. For the next three years, your baby will experience rapid growth and development. It is essential that he be fed a healthy and nutritious diet to maximize his growth and development process.

Processed baby foods have added water, sugars and starchy fillers. While these products are not nutritionally bad for your baby, their use in baby food dilutes the nutrient content of the actual foods. To make matters worse, processed baby foods are cooked at high temperatures to kill bacteria, so they can be stored in jars at room temperature. Bacteria are not the only things that are eliminated in this process. Vitamins and nutrients are also destroyed. Many baby food manufacturers compensate for the loss of vitamins by artificially adding some of them back in after the food is processed.

When you make baby food at home, you can cook it quickly. This process not only preserves the wonderful color and taste of the food, but most importantly it maximizes the foods’ nutrient content for your precious baby.

Elimination of additives

Processed baby foods contain trace amounts of chemicals, including pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved these chemicals, you may choose not to feed your baby products containing them. Buying certified organic produce (fresh or frozen) and preparing food at home eliminates agricultural chemicals from your baby’s diet.

In addition, many varieties of processed baby foods add ingredients that are not essential or beneficial to your baby’s diet. These can include ingredients such sugar, butter and salt. Most healthcare professionals will recommend you avoid the introduction of these foods until your child is much older. Homemade baby food is pure, wholesome food with nothing added that you did not add yourself.

Improved freshness

Have you compared fresh green peas to a jar of pea baby food? Even though they are the same food, they don’t look, smell or taste similar. While your baby does not have the refined palate of an adult, he does respond to taste, color and smell. With the enormous availability of fresh produce in your grocery store and the simplicity of making baby food, there is really is no reason he needs to be deprived of colorful, tasty, great-smelling baby food. And serving fresh food from the very beginning will help your baby be more open to tasting new flavors and types of food.

Additional variety

Processed baby food is developed for the mass market and, as a result, is limited in variety. Variety is key to a balanced diet and healthy living. Today’s grocery stores offer a tremendous variety of fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables. There is no reason why your baby should be limited by what food manufacturers consider the most popular foods. What’s more, preparing baby food at home enables you to add herbs, combine flavors, and easily introduce new textures, making your baby’s mealtime a pleasurable, gourmet experience.

Enhanced control

As a parent, you want to understand and trust the ingredients in your baby’s diet. Similarly, you want assurance concerning the purity, safety, quality and consistency of such ingredients. Preparing baby food at home provides you with control of your baby’s diet and knowledge of exactly what goes into your baby’s food. The more involvement you have with what you are feeding your baby, the more likely you are to nurture healthy eating habits.

Lower costs

Processed baby foods are expensive. The average baby in the United States will consume 600 jars of baby food. Parents who use processed baby food spend an average of $300 or more on baby food during their infant’s first year of life. Making baby food at home is extremely cost-effective, as foods may be purchased either in season or on sale. On average, baby food prepared at home can cost as little as $75 in the first year.

With all these benefits, you may think that it is difficult to make baby food, but it is a lot easier to make than you may imagine. Using fresh produce, a blender and set of ice cube trays, you can make food in quantity and freeze it in single servings. This means you only need to make food once or twice a week. The bottom line, it takes about 30 minutes a week. Here is a simple and easy recipe for a common first food:

Sweet Potato Puree

Time needed: 20 minutes

2-3 medium to large sweet potatoes

  1. Prep

    Wash, peel and chop sweet potatoes into one-inch (3 cm) cubes

  2. Cook

    Place sweet potatoes and 2 Tablespoons (30ml) of water in a microwave-safe dish. Cover. Cook 8-10 minutes. Let stand for 5 minutes. They are done if the sweet potatoes can be mashed easily with a fork

  3. Puree

    Place sweet potatoes and cooking juices into a blender or food processor. Add ½ cup (60 ml) of water. Puree. Add an additional 1/4 to ½ cup (60 – 100 ml) of water, as needed, to develop of smooth texture.


    Spoon into So Easy Baby Food Trays or ice cube trays. Cover. Place in the freezer for 8-10 hours or overnight. Remove cubes from trays, place them in a storage container or freezer bag, and return them immediately to the freezer.

Makes 24 one-ounce servings. Stays fresh for 2 months in the freezer.
To serve, select frozen sweet potato cubes from the freezer, defrost and warm, check the temperature, and feed.


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Vietnamese Names and Their Meanings

Vietnamese baby

Vietnamese: Meaning of Names — Origin — Ideas for Baby Names

Name Meaning of Name Gender Origin
AN peace female Vietnamese


ANH intellectual brightness female Vietnamese


ANH light ray female Vietnamese


BE baby; doll female Vietnamese


BIAN secretive; hidden female Vietnamese


BICH jade female Vietnamese


BINH peace female Vietnamese


CAI female female Vietnamese


CAM orange fruit; sweet; mountain sunset female Vietnamese


CANH scenery female Vietnamese


CARA precious jewel female Vietnamese


CHAU pearls precious stones (also a boys name) female


CHI tree branch twig female


DAO peach blossom; a Tet flower female


DIEP leaves; type of trees that have red flowers female


DIU tender gentle mellow


DOAN VIEN happy reunion female Vietnamese


DONG winter female


HA river female Vietnamese


HAI old name for shoeor fairy shoe female


HAN faithful moral female


HANG angel in the full moon female Vietnamese name


HANH PHUC blessing from above as in good family; also happiness female


HIEN gentle nice quiet (can be either girl or boy name


HOA a type of flower (pronounced HWA) female Vietnamese name


HONG rose pink. female


HONG YEN pink swallow bird female Vietnamese


HUE lily flower; intelligence; mental brilliance; enlightenment female Vietnamese


HUNG pink rose female Vietnamese name


HUONG fragrance perfume; rose flower or pink color; enjoy. female


HUYEN having a reflective black color female Vietnamese


HYUNH yellow female Vietnamese name


KET NIEN year of unity female Vietnamese


KIEU graceful or beloved; legend name female Vietnamese


KIM gold golden female


KIM CUC yellow chrysanthemum female Vietnamese


KIM-LY Golden Lion female Vietnamese


LAM jungle or dense forest (of Chinese origin) female Vietnamese name


LAN orchid flower female Vietnamese


LANG sweet potato female Vietnamese


LANH gentle female Vietnamese


LE pear; tears; shyness female Vietnamese name


LIEU willow female Vietnamese


LIEN lotus female Vietnamese


LINH gentle spirit female Vietnamese


MAI cherry blossom female Vietnamese


MY pretty female Vietnamese name


NAM HA South River female Vietnamese


NGOC jade precious stone female


NGOC BICH sapphire jade female Vietnamese


NGU depending on pronunciation stupid; to sleep; fisherman; fifth number; written language. female


NGUYET moon female Vietnamese name


NHU gentle peaceful female


NHUNG velvet female Vietnamese


NU girl female Vietnamese


PHUONG orientation (geometry); phoenix female Vietnamese


QUY precious (also a boy’s name) female Vietnamese


QUYEN a kind of bird female Vietnamese name


SANG looking or behaving like people of upper classes (also a boy’s name) female Vietnamese


SUONG fog female Vietnamese


TAM heart female Vietnamese


TAN new chastity female


THAM discreet grace female Vietnamese


THANH bright sunny light ; sound that is pleasing to the ear; a thing of high value; blue sky; slender and elegant in appearance.


THANH HA Teal River female Vietnamese


THAO grass; also kind sweet nice


THI poem; common middle name for girls female Vietnamese


THOM sweet smelling; also may mean pineapple female Vietnamese


THU autumn poem female


THUY friendly gentle; pussy willow; water female


TIEN fairy spirit or angel


TRINH a virgin female Vietnamese


TRUC wish female Vietnamese


TUYEN angel; line; ray female Vietnamese


TUYET snow white female Vietnamese


UOC wishes female Vietnamese


VAN cloud female Vietnamese


VIET for Vietnam; to write female Vietnamese


XUAN spring female Vietnamese


YEN a swallow (bird); peace; safe; stand stillr female Vietnamese


AN peace peacefulness male


ANH DUNG heroism strength male


BINH peace peacefulness (also a girl’s name) male


BAO protection male Vietnamese


BAY born in July; seventh-born son male Vietnamese


CADEO folk-song male Vietnamese


CANH scenery; environment; something that spreads out limitlessly supports life is colorful with trees


CHIEN fight battle combat


CHINH correctness righteousness male


CUONG healthy and prosperous male Vietnamese


DAC KIEN acquired view or knowledge male Vietnamese


DAO religions male Vietnamese


DANH fame prestige male


DAT accomplished to attain to achieve


DE royalty male Vietnamese


DIEN farm farming male


DUC physical exercise desire male


DUE virtuous male Vietnamese


DUNG heroic heroism male


DUONG positiveness; virility male Vietnamese


HAI river male Vietnamese


HAO good (also a girl’s name) male Vietnamese


HIEN nice kind gentle


HIEU dutiful to parents; filial dutifulness male Vietnamese


HOC to study male Vietnamese


HUU very much so.Amplifies the meaning of the first name; e.g. Phuoc Huu means one who deserves to be lucky.Also to have


HUNG prosperity; heroic; heroism; strong male Vietnamese


HUY sending light out; brightness male Vietnamese


HUYNH older brother (Chinese/Vietnamese word/meaning) male Vietnamese


KHAN (with raising tone) audience male Vietnamese


LANH quick-minded; smart; street-smart; peaceful male Vietnamese


LAN fictitious four-legged animal with a single horn on the head (unicorn) male Vietnamese


LAP independent male Vietnamese


LOC luck blessings male


MINH bright male Vietnamese


NGUYEN origin male Vietnamese


NHAT long life; also number one. male


NIEN year male Vietnamese


PHUC luck blessings.Southern version. male


PHUOC lucky.Northern version. male Vietnamese


PIN faithful boy male Vietnamese


QUAN soldier male Vietnamese


QUANG clear; brilliant; good reputation male Vietnamese


QUOC nation country male


SANG bright male Vietnamese


SI being a gentleman male Vietnamese


SINH birth; life; blooming male Vietnamese


SON mountain male Vietnamese


TAI talent male Vietnamese


TAM heart male Vietnamese


TAN new male Vietnamese


TEO form of Tom; twin male Vietnamese


THAI many; multiple male Vietnamese


THAN brilliant male Vietnamese


THANG victory male Vietnamese


THANH pleasing to the ear; delicate; of high level; achieved; accomplished; also means the color of the sky; very popular name for boys. male Vietnamese


THAO courtesy male Vietnamese


THINH prosperity male Vietnamese


THO longevity; long living male Vietnamese


THU autumn male Vietnamese


THUAN tamed; conforming male Vietnamese


THUC aware male Vietnamese


TIN thinker male Vietnamese


TOAI satisfied male Vietnamese


TOAN complete; also mathematics male


TONG fragrant male Vietnamese


TRANG decorated; honored male Vietnamese


TRIEU tide male Vietnamese


TRONG TRI not of small mind male Vietnamese


TRONG respected male Vietnamese


TRUNG central; loyalty male Vietnamese


TU star; brilliant and quick-minded (can be used for boys and girls) male Vietnamese


TUAN bright; smart male Vietnamese


TUNG a type of coniferous tree male Vietnamese


TUYEN angel male Vietnamese


VAN traditional middle name to indicate a boy. male Vietnamese


VIEN completion; accomplishment; satisfaction; also institute; palace; reference male


VIET being Vietnamese male Vietnamese


VUONG prosperous; developed male Vietnamese


XUAN spring male Vietnamese

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Slavic Names and Their Meanings

baby boy

Slavic: Meaning of Names — Origin — Ideas for Baby Names

Name Meaning of Name Gender Origin
AASE tree-covered mountain AEGILEIF female norse


AMIRA feminine form of Amir (king) AZAR AZARA female


ADELAJDA Polish form of Adelaide (noble) ALBINKA female polish


ZEFIRYNA zephyr ZUZANNA female polish


AKIRA anchor AILA female scottish


AINSLEY Scottish/Gaelic. Named for the place. Originally a surname. Unisexual. Variants include Ainslee Ainsleigh Ainslie


ALASTAIR Scottish feminine form of Greek Alexander man’s defender.More commonly used as a male name. Variant Alasdair exists. ALPINA female


ALINA Variant of Greek Helen Light.Variants include Aleen Aleena


ANEZKA pure female slavic


BELA Unisexual name meaning white. female slavic


BELL Unisexual name meaning beauty. female slavic


BETA dedicated to go female slavic


BRITA from Britain; British female slavic


CHESNA peaceful female slavic


DANICA DANIKA morning star female


DITA rich gift female slavic




JANA God’s gracious gift female slavic


KAMILIA sweet flower female slavic


KASIA pure KATARINA female slavic




LUKINA graceful and bright female slavic


MARJETA pearl female slavic


MARTA a lady MARYA female slavic


NATASHA born on Christmas NEDA female slavic


ANATOL from the east ANDREJ male slavic


BELA Unisexual name meaning white. male slavic


BELL Unisexual name meaning beauty.BOGUSLAW male slavic


BURIAN he lives near the weeds CASIMIR male slavic


DAMEK earth male slavic


DUSAN God is my judge male slavic


JAREK January male slavic


JAROSLAV beauty of spring male slavic


JURI Slavic form of George farmer.KAREL KAROL


LASZLO God has helped LEW male slavic


MIKHAIL form of Michael meaning who is like God.MILOS male slavic


MIROSLAV beautiful slave NICHOLAI NIKOLAI male


ADRIANO dark ALANO male spanish


GONZALO wolf GREGORIO male spanish




ARMIN warrior male swiss


BEAT blessed male swiss


CRISPIN curly-haired male swiss


HEINZ name meaning unknown male swiss


LORENZ laurel male swiss


MARTI warrior of Mars male swiss


MORITZ dark-skinned male swiss


PIRMIN name meaning unknown male swiss


RETO name meaning unknown male swiss


PIUS pious male swiss


QUIRIN possibly a variant of Quirinus name of a war god male


SEPP short form of Joseph male swiss


URS from Latin ursus the bear male










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Scandinavian Names and Their Meanings

Scandinavian baby

Scandinavian: Meaning of Names — Origin — Ideas for Baby Names

Name Meaning of Name Gender Origin
AINA Forever.Also Nigerian name meaning difficult birth. female Scandinavian


DANA myth name DARDA female Scandinavian




APSEL father of peace ARLES male Scandinavian


GUNTHER warrior male Scandinavian


GUSTAVE Staff of the gods.Variants include Gustav and Gustavus. Diminutive is Gus.


HANS Form of John God has been gracious. male


HANSON Son of Hans.Variants include Hansen Hanssen and Hansson.


HAROLD Army ruler.Variants include Araldo Aralt Aroldo


INGEMAR Son of Ing.Variants include Ingamar Ingemur and Ingmar. INGVAR


IVOR Norse or Scandinavian name meaning bowman.Sometimes associated with Welsh Ifor lord.Variants include Ivar and Iver. male


JAN Dutch form of John the Lord is gracious. male


JANSON Son of Jan male Scandinavian


JENS Scandinavian form of John the Lord is gracious.Variants include Jensen and Jenson. KNUT


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Romanian Names and Their Meanings

pregnant woman

Romanian: Meaning of Names — Romanian Origin — Ideas for Baby Names

Name Meaning of Name Gender Origin
Names ADRIANA ADRIANNA ANDREE dark; from Adria
AFINA name name meaning unknown Girl’s Name
ALEXANDREINA man’s defender female Romanian
AMELIA industrious female
ANA-MARIE ANAMARIE compound name combining Ann and Mary meaning bitter grace. female

Getting Ready for the New Baby

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ANA grace female Romanian
ANCA name name meaning unknown female
ANGELA messenger from God; angel female Romanian
ANICA grace Girl’s Name
ANTANASIA ATANASIA one who will be reborn; immortal female
ANTOANETA priceless female Romanian


AUGUSTINA worthy of respect female


AURELIA gold Girl’s Name


BIANCA white female Romanian


CAMELIA flower female


CAMI servant for the temple female


CARLA manly female


CARMEN song female Romanian


CATALINA pure female


CECILIA blind one female Romanian


CELESTINA heavenly female


CHRISTINA CRISTINA christian female


CLARA bright female Romanian


CLAUDIA lame female


CODRUTA name name meaning unknown female Romanian


CONSTANTA steadfast female Romanian


CORINA CORINNA maiden female


COSTELA name name meaning unknown female


CRAITA name name meaning unknown female Romanian


CRINA name name meaning unknown female Romanian


DANA from Denmark female Romanian


DANIELA God is my judge female Romanian


DELIA from Delos female


DIANA divine female Romanian


DIONA follower of Dionysius female Romanian


DOMINIQUE lord female Romanian


DORINA brooding; gilded female Romanian


DRAGUTA name name meaning unknown female


DUMITRA DUMITRITA from Demeter female




ELENA shining; brightness female


ELISABETA ELIZA pledged to God female


EMA grandmother; nurse female Romanian


EMILIA EMILIANA excellent female


ERIKA ruler forever female


EUGENIA wellborn female Romanian


EVELINE light female Romanian




FLORENTA FLORINA in bloom female


GABRIELA GABI God is my strength; heroine of God female




GINA variant of Regina queen. female


HELENA light female


HELGA holy; sacred female Romanian


IHRIN IRINA peace female


ILEANA Trojan female Romanian


IMANUELA God is among us female Romanian


IOANA IOLANDA violet female


IONA amethyst female Romanian


IONELA name name meaning unknown female Romanian


IULIA young female Romanian


IVONA gift from God female Romanian


IZABELA devoted to God female Romanian


JENI JENICA white; soft female


JOANA JUANA the Lord is gracious female


KATHRYN pure female Romanian


LACRAMIOARA Lily of the Valley female Romanian


LAURA LAURENTIA laurel female


LAVINIA woman of Rome female Romanian


LENUTA LEUNTA mild female


LIA bringer of good news female Romanian


LIGIA beautiful voice female Romanian


LILIAN lily female Romanian


LINA light female Romanian


LIZUCA name name meaning unknown female Romanian


LOREDANA name name meaning unknown female Romanian


LUIZA famous in war female Romanian


LUMINITA little light female Romanian


MADALINA magnificent female Romanian


MANUELA the Lord is among us female Romanian


MARA bitter female Romanian


MARCELA warlike female Romanian


MARGARETA pearl female


MARIA bitter female Romanian


MARIANA compound name combining Marie and Anne bitter grace. female


MARICA a nymph female Romanian


MARILENA bitter light female Romanian


MARINA MARINELA from the sea female


MARIOARA name name meaning unknown female


MARIUTZA dark-skinned female Romanian


MARTA lady female Romanian


MELITA honey female Romanian


MICHAELA who is like the Lord? female Romanian


MIHAELA gift from God female Romanian


MIRELA admirable female Romanian


MONICA MONIQUE adviser or nun female


NADEZHDA NADIA hope female


NARCISA daffodil female Romanian


NEDELCU name name meaning unknown female Romanian


NICOLETA victory of the people female Romanian


NINA girl female Romanian


OANA name name meaning unknown female Romanian


OCTAVIA eighth female Romanian


OLGA holy female Romanian


OLIMPIA OLYMPIA from Mount Olympus female


OLIVIA olive tree female Romanian


PAULA small female Romanian


PETRONELA rock female Romanian


RALUCA name name meaning unknown female Romanian


RAMONA wise guardian female Romanian


REGINA queen female Romanian


RELIA variant of Aurelia gold. female


RODICA RODIKA renowned ruler female


ROMANITZA from Rome female Romanian


ROXANA RUXANDRA dawn female Romanian


SABINA Sabine female Romanian


SANDA Variant of Alexandra defender of mankind. female


SILVIA from the woods female Romanian


SIMONA listening intently female Romanian


SONIA wisdom female Romanian


STEFANA STEFANIA crowned female


STELA star female Romanian


TABITHA gazelle female Romanian


TARA rocky hill female Romanian


TATIANA variant of an ancient Italian name; myth name female Romanian


TEADORA TEODORA gift of God female


TEOFILA divinely loved female Romanian


TRANDAFIRA name name meaning unknown female Romanian


UTA prospers in battle female Romanian


VALERICA forever strong female Romanian


VANDA wanderer female Romanian


VICTORIA victory female Romanian


VOILETA purple female Romanian


VIORELA name name meaning unknown female Romanian


VIVIANA full of life female Romanian


VOCTORITA name name meaning unknown female Romanian


YESSENIA name name meaning unknown female Romanian


YLENIA light female Romanian


ZINA name name meaning unknown female Romanian


ABEL breath male Romanian


ADI myth name? male Romanian


ADRIAN dark; from Adria male Romanian


ALEXANDRU defender of mankind male Romanian


ALIN rock; comely male Romanian


ANATOLIE from the east male Romanian


ANDREI masculine male Romanian


ANGHEL messenger male Romanian


ANTON priceless male Romanian


AUREL golden male Romanian


BADUNA name name meaning unknown male Romanian


BELA intelligent male Romanian


BERYX name name meaning unknown male Romanian


BODGAN BOGDAN gift of God male


CALIN name name meaning unknown male Romanian


CATALIN pure male Romanian


CEZAR long-haired male


CIODARU name name meaning unknown male Romanian


CODRIN name name meaning unknown male Romanian


COSMIN name name meaning unknown male Romanian




COSTEL name name meaning unknown male Romanian


COSTI name name meaning unknown male Romanian


COSTICA name name meaning unknown male




DAN DANIEL God is my judge male




DORIN stranger male Romanian


DORU name name meaning unknown male Romanian


DRACUL devil or dragon male Romanian


EFTEMIE name name meaning unknown male Romanian


EMIL excellent male Romanian


EUGEN wellborn male


FLAVIU FLAVIUS yellow hair male


FLORENTIN FLORIN flowering male


GABI GABRIEL hero of God male




GEZA name name meaning unknown male Romanian


GHITA pearl male


GLAD light-hearted; happy male Romanian


GOGU name name meaning unknown male Romanian


HORATIU timekeeper male Romanian


HORIA name name meaning unknown male Romanian




IULIAN youthful male Romanian


IVAN God is gracious male


IVANTIE glorious gift male Romanian


JAN JEAN the Lord is gracious male


LAURENTIU laurel male Romanian


LIVIU olive male Romanian


LUCIAN light male Romanian


MARIAN bitter or rebellious male Romanian


MARIN from the sea male Romanian


MARIUS hammer male


MAZONN name name meaning unknown male Romanian


MIHAI who is like the Lord? male Romanian


MIRCEA name name meaning unknown male Romanian




OCTAVIAN eighth male Romanian


OVIDIU worker male


PAUL small male Romanian


PERETEANU name name meaning unknown male Romanian




RADU name meaningunknown male Romanian


RARES name meaningunknown male Romanian


RAZVAN name meaningunknown male Romanian


RICA dominant ruler male Romanian


SANDU defender of mankind male Romanian


SERBAN name meaningunknown male Romanian


SHAITHIS name meaningunknown male


SIMU listening intently male


SORIN thunder or red hair male Romanian


STEFAN crowned male




TRAIAN name meaningunknown male


TUDOR gracious gift male Romanian


VALERIU strong; healthy male Romanian


VALI name meaningunknown male Romanian


VASILE royal; kingly male


VICTOR conqueror male


VLAD VLADIMIR renowned prince male

Romanian Names

ZAHARIA moon? male
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Chinese Names and Their Meanings

Chinese baby
Name Meaning of Name Gender Origin
AN peace female chinese
BING QING clear as ice female chinese
BO precious female chinese
CHAN JUAN the moon; graceful; ladylike female chinese
CHANG free; uninhibited female chinese
CONG Unisexual name meaning “intelligent; clever” female chinese
FANG fragrant; sweet smelling female chinese
FANG YIN fragrant carpet of grass; breath of flowers female chinese
FEN fragrant; sweet smelling female chinese
FENG Maple female chinese
HUAN YUE joyful; happy female chinese
HUI YING bright; intelligent female chinese
JIA LI good and beautiful female chinese
JIANG LI river beautiful female chinese
JIAO beautiful; handsome; tender; lovely; charming female chinese
JIN gold female chinese
JING crystal; sparkling female chinese
JUAN beautiful; graceful female chinese
JUN truth female chinese
LEE Unisexual name meaning “plum” female chinese
LEI flower bud female chinese
LI Unisexual name meaning “strength; beautiful” female chinese
LI MING beautiful and bright female chinese
LI MEI beautiful plum blossom female chinese
LI NA beautiful and graceful female chinese
LI QIN beautiful stringed musical instrument female chinese
LI RONG beautiful Lotus female chinese
LI WEI beautiful rose female chinese
LIAN Unisexual name meaning “the graceful willow” or (female – “daughter of the sun”) female chinese
LIEN lotus female chinese
LIN beautiful jade; also a family name female chinese
LIN YAO beautiful Jade treasure female chinese
LING tinkling of pieces of jade female chinese
MEI plum female chinese
MING UE bright moon female chinese
NA graceful female chinese
PARK Unisexual name meaning “cypress tree” female chinese
PING duckweed female chinese
QI fine jade; outstanding; distinguished female chinese
QING YUAN clear spring female chinese
QIAO handsome; pretty female chinese
RONG Lotus; beautiful; elegant female chinese
SHAN coral female chinese
SHU FANG kind; gentle and sweet female chinese
SHUANG bright; clear; openhearted female chinese
TING TING TING slim and graceful female
WAN gentle; gracious; beautiful; lovely female chinese
WEI valuable; precious female chinese
XIA glow of the sunrise or sunset female chinese
XIANG fragrant female chinese
XIA HE summer Lotus; pure and elegant female chinese
XIAO CHEN early morning; dawn female chinese
XIAO HONG morning rainbow female chinese
XIN QIAN happy and beautiful female chinese
XIU elegant; beautiful female chinese
XIU JUAN elegant; beautiful; graceful female chinese
XUE snow female chinese
XUE FANG snow fragrant female chinese
YAN YAN two swallow birds; elegant female chinese
YI JIE happy and pure female chinese
YI ZE happy and shiny like a pearl female chinese
YI MIN happy and smart female chinese
YU JIE pure beautiful jade female chinese
YUE YING happy and smart; kind female chinese
YUE YOU happy and friendly female chinese
YUE YAN happy and beautiful female chinese
YUE WAN happy and gentle female chinese
ZHEN precious female chinese
ZHEN JUAN precious and beautiful female chinese
ZHI Irises; orchids; noble character; true friendship female chinese
ZI graceful; beautiful female chinese
TAO peach; symbol of long life female chinese
CHEN great vast male
CONG Unisexual name meaning intelligent; clever male chinese
FAI beginning male chinese
HO good male chinese
KONG glorious male chinese
KUAN-YIN Buddhist deity of mercy. male chinese
LEE Unisexual name meaning plum male chinese
LEI thunder male chinese
LI Unisexual name meaning strength; beautiful male chinese
LIAN Unisexual name meaning the graceful willow male chinese
LIANG good male chinese
LOK happy male chinese
LONG dragon male chinese
PARK Unisexual name meaning cypress tree male chinese
SHAIMING sunshine male chinese
SHEN spiritual; deep-thinking male chinese
SHING victory male chinese
SYING star male chinese

Danish Names and Their Meanings

Japanese Names and Their Meanings

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African Baby Names and Their Meanings

baby girl

 NAMES and Meaning of Names.

African: Meaning of Names — African Word Origin — Ideas for Baby Names

ABBA Ghanaian name for females born on Thursday. female african
ABEBA Ethiopian female name meaning flower. female african
ABEBI Yoruba of Nigeria female name meaning we asked and got her or we asked for her and she came to us. female african
ABENA Akan of Ghana name for females born on Tuesday. female african
ABRIHET Tigrinya of Ethiopia female name meaning she has made it light she emanates light. female
ACACIA thorny. female african
ACHAN Dinka of south Sudan name for a female child in the first pair of twins. female african
ADA Ibo of Nigeria name for firstborn females. female african
ADAMA Ibo of Nigeria female name meaning beautiful child or queenly. female african
ADANECH Amharic and Tigrinya of Ethiopia female name meaning she has rescued them. female african
ADANNA Ibo of Nigeria female name meaning father’s daughter. female african
ADEOLA Yoruba of Nigeria female name meaning crown of honor. female african
ADETOUN Yoruba of Nigeria female name meaning princess. female african
ADHIAMBO Luo of Kenya name for females born after sunset. female african
ADINA Amharic of Ethiopia word sometimes used as a female name meaning she has saved. female
ADJOA ADWOA Akan of Ghana names for females born on Monday; peace. female
ADOWA noble. female african
AFAFA Ewe of Ghana female name for the firstborn child of a second husband. female african
AFIA Akan of Ghana name for females born on Friday. female african
AFRA Name meaning peaceful ruler used by ancient Romans and Greeks for females of African origin. female african
AFUA born on Friday. female african
AFYA Swahili female name (also spelled AFIYA) and Kiswahili word meaning health. Afya Bora means good health. female african
AGBENYAGA Ewe of Ghana name meaning life is precious.(Could be shortened to NYAGA.) female african
AINA Yoruba of Nigeria female name meaning difficult birth such as a child born with umbilical cord around neck. female
AISHA AYISHA ASHA These Swahili and Arabic female names mean woman
AJA High Priestess of Mecca. female african
AKILAH intelligent one who reasons. female african
AKIM According to an Ibibio of Nigeria folktale Akim was a gorgeous fat
AKOSUA Akan or Ahsanti of Ghana name for females born on Sunday. female african
AKPENAMAWU Ewe of Ghana name meaning thanks to God.The Ghanaian short form of this name is AKPENA. female african
AKUA Akan of Ghana name for females born on Wednesday. female african
ALITASH Amharic of Ethiopia female name meaning may I not lose you may I find you always my precious.May be shortened to Tash. female
AMA or AMMA Akan people of Ghana name for females born on Saturday.Also a West African name meaning happy. female african
AMACHI Ibo of Nigeria name meaning who knows what God has brought us through this child. female african
AMANISHAKHETE The name of one of the Candaces or Queen Mothers of the Nubian kingdom of Kush (now northern Sudan).This name could be shortened to AMANI
AMARA In the legends of Abyssinia (now Ethiopia) Amara is the name for paradise.Also amarais a Kiswahili word meaning urgent business. female
AMBER Muslim female name meaning amber brownish-yellow or jewel.
AMINA Somali and Muslim female name meaning trustful honest and referring to Muhammed’s mother. This name is popular with the Hausa of West Africa. female
AMINATA A popular female name among the Wolof of Senegal. female african
AMINIA A Kiswahili word meaning to believe in. female african
ANAYA Ibo of Eastern Nigeria name meaning look up to God. female african
ANDROMEDA Ruler of men.According to Greek mythology Andromeda married Perseus who had saved her from Medusa
ANNAKIYA This means sweet face in Hausa language. female african
ANULIKA Ibo of eastern Nigeria name meaning happiness is the best. female african
ANYANGO Af of Kenya name meaning friend. female african
APHRODITE The mythological Greek goddess of love and beauty who is sometimes depicted as being of black African origin.Aphrodite means born of the foam of the sea. female african
ARET Ibibio of Nigeria name for female children born on market day called Edet. female
ARMANI Derivative of IMANI meaning faith. female
ARTEMIS In Greek mythology Artemis is goddess of the moon and the hunt.She is known as the lady of wild things.This virgin goddess who is sometimes depicted as being black African
ARUSI Swahili name for girls born at the time of a wedding. Arusiis the Kiswahili word for wedding. female african
ASABI Yoruba of Nigeria name meaning one of select birth. female african
ASHAKI West African female name meaning beautiful. female african
ASHIA Somali female name referring to the prophet Muhammed’s favorite wife. female african
ASMINA Female name of the Nubian peoples of southern Sudan. female african
ASSAGGI Zimbabwe name meaning strong. female african
ASURA Swahili and Hausa name for female children born during the Muslim month of Ashur. female african
ATSUKPI Ewe of Ghana name for a female twin. female african
AURORA Dawn.According to ancient Greek mythology Aurora is the goddess of the dawn. Aurora was mother of Memnon King of Aethiopia
AYAN Somali female name meaning bright. female african
AYANA Ethiopian female name meaning beautiful flower. female african
AYO Yoruba of Nigeria name meaning joy. female african
AZA Swahili name meaning powerful. female african
AZINZA The word for mermaid in the Mina language of Togo. female african
AZIZA Somali name meaning gorgeous. female african
AZMERA Male and female name in both Amharic and Tigrinya languages of Ethiopia. It means harvest.BAHATI female african
BALINDA A Rutooro of Uganda name meaning patience endurance fortitude.(Balinda is also used as a male name in Uganda.)
BATHSHEBA Also known as BATSHEVA this is the daughter of the Queen of Sheba the legendary ruler of Abyssinia. The name means daughter of the oath.
BELA A Kongo word meaning to perch. female african
BELLA AZerma word meaning both slave and freed slave. female african
BERHANE Female and male name in the Amharic and Tigrinya languages of Ethiopia which means my light. female african
BIBI An East African female name meaning daughter of a king.Also a Kiswahili word meaning ladyor grandmother. female african
BINATA A popular Wolof of Senegal name for females. female african
BINTA West African female name meaning with God. female african
BUCHI Nigerian name. name meaning unknown. female african
BUPE A Nyakyusa of Tanzania female name meaning hospitality. female african
CHANYA A Taita people of Kenya female name; name meaning unknown. female african
CHICHA A Kiswahili word meaning grated coconut. female african
CHIKU A Swahili female name meaning chatterer. female african
CHINA A Shona of Zimbabwe word for Thursday. female african
CHINAKA An Ibo of Nigeria female name meaning God decides. female african
CHINARA An Ibo of Nigeria female name meaning may God receive. female african
CIRCE According to Greek mythology this African witch transformed the Greek troops of Odysseus into swine.The classical Greek pronunciation of her name is KEAR-kay. female
CLEOPATRA Cleopatra VII reigned as Queen of Egypt from 51-30 B.C.She was born in 69 B.C. in Alexandria Egypt and is believed to have been black African. female
CRISPINA A female name meaning curly haired. female african
DADA Yoruba of Nigeria name for children with curly hair. female african
DALILA Swahili name meaning gentle. female african
DEKA Somali name meaning one who pleases. female african
DELA EDEN Ewe of West Africa unisexual name meaning savior. female african
DELA O KANDE Nigerian name for girls born after many males. female african
DESTA Amharic of Ethiopia unisexual name meaning joy happiness. female
DOLIE A popular Somali name name meaning unknown. female
EBIERE Ijaw of Niger female name. name meaning unknown. female african
EFFIWAT Nigerian female name of unknown origin. female african
EFIA Fante of Ghana name for females born on Friday. female african
EFRA A popular female name in Egypt. female african
ESHE Swahili female name meaning life. female african
ESI Ewe and Fante of Ghana name meaning born on Sunday. female african
ESIANKIKI A Masai and Tanzania word meaning young maiden. female african
ESINAM Ewe of Ghana name meaning God heard me. female african
FANA Amharic and Tigrinya of Ethiopia name meaning light. female african
FANTA Guinea and Cote D’Ivoire name meaning beautiful day. female african
FATUMA Popular Swahili and Somali versions of the name Muslim name FATIMA meaning weaned.
FAYOLA Yoruba of Nigeria name meaning luck walks with honor. female african
FEMBAR Liberian name. name meaning unknown. female african
FOLA Yoruba of Nigeria name meaning honor. female african
FOWSIA Popular Somalian name. name meaning unknown. female african
GOGO A Tonga and Shona of Zambia of Zimbabwe word meaning grandmother. female african
GYAMFUA Ashanti of Ghana name. name meaning unknown. female african
GZIFA Ewe of Ghana name meaning one is at peace. female african
HABIBA Muslim name popular in Somalia and N. Africa meaning beloved sweetheart. female
HADIYA HADIYAH Swahili name meaning gift. female
HALIMA HALIMAH Swahili name meaning gentle humane
HASANA Hausa of W. Africa name meaning first born of twins. female african
HASINA Swahili name meaning good. female african
HAWA Swahili name meaning longing. female african
HOLA Ewe of Ghana name meaning savior. female african
IFEOMA Ibo of Nigeria name meaning it’s a good thing and beautiful. female african
IMAN Somali and Muslim name meaning faith. female african
ISMITTA Mythical N. African name for the southern wind meaning Daughter of the Mountains of the Moon. female
ISSA Swahili name meaning God is our salvation. female african
IVEREM Tiv of Nigeria name meaning blessing favor. female
IYANGURA Nyanja of Zambia name meaning to arbitrator to perform ceremonies for the birth of twins. female african
JAHA Swahili name meaning dignity. female african
JAINEBA Popular Wolof of Senegal name. name meaning unknown. female african
JAPERA Shona of Zimbabwe name meaning offer thanks. female african
JIFUNZA Swahili name meaning teach oneself. female african
JUBA Ashanti of Ghana name meaning born on Monday. female african
JWAHIR Somali name meaning golden woman. female african
KADIJA KHADIJA Swahili name meaning born prematurely. female
KAMARIA Swahili and Somali name meaning like the moon. female african
KAMBIRI Ibo of Nigeria name meaning allow me to join this family. female african
KANIKA Kenyan name meaning black material. female african
KATURA Unisexual Zimbabwe name meaning take a burden off my mind. female african
KAYA Ghanaian name meaning stay and don’t go back. female african
KENGI Loma of W. Africa name taken from the subject of a Loma folktale meaning whose child? female african
KENYA East African name meaning artist. female african
KESI Swahili name meaning born when the father had difficulties. female african
KESSIE Fante and Ashanti of Ghana name meaning born fat. female african
KHATITI Luhya of Kenya unisexual name meaning tiny little. female
KIBIBI Swahili name meaning little lady. female african
KIFLE Ethiopian name meaning my class. female african
KISSA Baganda of Uganda unisexual name meaning born after twins. female african
KOKO Adangbe of Ghana name meaning born second. female african
KWESI SISI Akan of Ghana unisexual name meaning born on Sunday. female
LETA Swahili name meaning bring. female african
LEZA Central African name meaning one who besets. female african
LINDA Xhosa of S. Africa name meaning wait. female african
LINDIWE Xhosa of S. African name meaning have waited. female african
LISHAN Amharic name meaning award medal. female
LOIYAN Masai of Kenya name. name meaning unknown. female african
LULU Swahili and Muslim name meaning pearl or precious. female african
MAKDA Ethiopian version of Hebrew Magda meaning high tower or woman of Magdala. female
MAKEDA Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning beautiful armrest female african
MAKEMBA Central African name referring to a Congolese goddess. female african
MAKENA Kikuyu of Kenya name meaning the happy one. female african
MANDISA Xhosa of S. Africa name meaning sweet. female african
MAPENZI MPENZI Swahili name meaning beloved. female
MARIAMA Popular W. African name meaning gift of God. female african
MARJANI Swahili name meaning coral. female african
MARWE Chaga of Tanzania name. name meaning unknown. female african
MASSASSI Makoni of Zimbabwe legend name for first woman on earth. female african
MAWUNYAGA Ewe of Ghana name meaning God is great. female african
MISRAK Amharic and Tigrinya of Ethiopia name meaning east. female african
MONIFA Yoruba of Nigeria name meaning I am lucky. female african
MUTHONI NONI Kikuyu of Kenya name. name meaning unknown. female
NADIFA Somali name meaning born between two seasons. female african
NADRA NADIRA Kiswahili name meaning unusual. female
NAGESA Lugisu of Uganda name meaning born in the harvest season. female african
NAJJA Baganda of Uganda name meaning second born. female african
NAKI Adangbe of Ghana name meaning first born girl. female african
NALIAKA Luya of W. Kenya name meaning wedding. female african
NANA Ghanaian name meaning mother of the Earth. female african
NANGILA Luya of Kenya name meaning born while the parents were traveling. female african
NAZI Giriami of Kenya name meaning coconut. female african
NDILA Kamba of Kenya unisexual name meaning billy goat. female african
NEEMA Swahili name meaning born at a prosperous time. female african
NEHANDA Zezuru name meaning the beautiful one has arrived. female african
NEHANDA Zezuru of Zimbabwe name meaning hardiness. female african
NIGESA Lumasada of Kenya name meaning born in the harvest season. female african
NINI West African name meaning stone. female african
NISHAN Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning award medal. female
NJEMILE Ngoni of Malawi name meaning upstanding. female african
NKECHI Nigerian name meaning loyal. female african
NURU Swahili unisexual name meaning light or born during the day. female african
OBAX Popular Somalian name meaning flower. female african
OLA Ibo of Nigeria name meaning precious worth. female
ONAEDO Ibo of Nigeria female name meaning gold. female african
ONI West African name meaning desired.Also a Yoruba of Nigeria name meaning born in a sacred location. female african
RADHIYA Swahili name meaning agreeable. female african
RAMATULAI Wolof of Senegal name. name meaning unknown. female african
RAMLA Swahili name meaning fortune teller or prophet. female african
RASHIDA RASHEEDA RACHID Swahili name meaning righteous.
RAZIYA Swahili name meaning sweet agreeable. female
REHEMA Swahili name meaning compassion. female african
RHAXMA Somali name meaning sweet. female african
SAADA Swahili name meaning help. female african
SADIO Name from W.African French-speaking countries meaning pure. female african
SAIDA Swahili name meaning helper. female african
SALAMA SALMA Swahili and Muslim name meaning peace safety.
SANURA Swahili name meaning kitten-like. female african
SARAN Guinea and Cote D’Ivoire name meaning joy. female african
SAUDA Swahili name meaning black-skinned. female african
SEBLE WENGEL Amharic and Tigrinya of Ethiopia name meaning harvest of the New Testament. female african
SEKAI Popular Zimbabwe name meaning laughter. female african
SELA Ewe of W. Africa unisexual name meaning savior. female african
SELAM Amharic and Tigrinya of Ethiopia unisexual name meaning peace. female african
SELAMAWIT Amharic and Tigrinya of Ethiopia name meaning she is peaceful. female african
SHANI Swahili name meaning marvelous. female african
SHARUFA Swahili and Somali name meaning distinguished and outstanding. female african
SISAY Amharic of Ethiopia unisexual name meaning omen of good things a blessing. female
SITI Swahili name meaning lady. female african
SRODA Ghanaian name meaning respect. female african
TABIA Swahili name meaning make incantations. female african
TAFUI Mina of Togo name meaning to appreciate God; Glory to God. female african
TANDRA Madagascar name meaning mole or beauty marks. female african
TANISHA TANI Hausa of W. Africa name meaning born on Monday. female
TARANA Hausa of Nigeria name meaning born during the day. female african
TATU Swahili name meaning third born. female african
TAWIA Ga of Ghana unisexual name meaning first child born after twins. female african
TERU Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning good.This name is most often used in combination with other names as in TERUWORQ which means good gold.
TISA Swahili name meaning ninth born. female african
TITI Nigerian name meaning flower. female african
UCHENNA Ibo of Nigeria name meaning God’s will. female african
ULU Ibo of Nigeria name meaning second born. female african
URENNA Ibo of Nigeria name meaning father’s pride. female african
WAGAYE Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning my sense of value or my price. female african
WAMBUI WAMBOI Kikuyu of Kenya name meaning singer. female
WANGARI Kikuyu of Kenya name. name meaning unknown. female african
WANYIKA Swahili name meaning of the bush. female african
WUB Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning gorgeous beautiful. female
XETSA Ewe of Ghana name meaning twin. female african
YESHI Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning for a thousand. female african
ZAHINA Swahili name popular in Tanzania. name meaning unknown. female african
ZAHRA ZAHARA Swahili and Muslim name meaning flower. female
ZAINABU Swahili name meaning beautiful. female african
ZAKIYA Swahili name meaning smart intelligent. female
ZALIKA Swahili name meaning well-born. female african
ZAUDITU ZAWDITU Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning she is the crown. female
ZAWADI Swahili name and Kiswahili word meaning a gift a present. female
ZEINAB Somali name meaning good. female african
ZENA Ethiopian name meaning news or fame. female african
ZINSA Benin name meaning twin. female african
ZOLA Congolese name meaning productive. female african
ZUHURA Swahili name. name meaning unknown. female african
ZWENA ZUWENA Swahili name meaning good.r female
ABERFA from the mouth of the river ABERTHA female welsh
ABASI Swahili name meaning stern. male african
ABAYOMI Of uncertain African origin.Means born to bring me joy. male african
ABDALLA Swahili equivalent of Arabic ABDULLAH servant of God.
ABDELAHI Muslim name popular in Somalia. name meaning unknown. male
ABDI Muslim name popular in Somalia meaning my servant.
ABDIKARIM Muslim name popular in Somalia meaning slave of God.
ABDIMELECH Name of an Ethiopian eunuch who lived in ancient Rome.Name means servant to kings.Could be shortened to ABDI or MELECH. male african
ABDIRAXMAN Somali equivalent of Muslim ABD AL RAHMAN meaning servant of the Mercifully Gracious.
ABEBE Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning he has flowered/flourished/grown. male african
ABRAFO Ghanaian name meaning warrior or executioner.It is a nickname for a troublemaker or some one who is hyper. male african
ADAN Yoruba of Nigeria name meaning a large bat.Also the Spanish equivalent of Adam. male
ADE Royal one. male african
ADDO Ghana name meaning king of the road. male african
ADISA Ashanti of Ghana name meaning one who will teach us. male african
ADJATAY Cameroon name meaning prince. male african
ADOFO Akan of Ghana name meaning one who loves. male african
ADOM Akan of Ghana name meaning help from God or God’s blessing. male african
ADRIAN A name used for the nobility class of the Betsileo people of central Madagascar. male african
ADWIN Akan of Ghana word meaning artist or thinker. male african
AFEWORK Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning one who speaks only of pleasant things; one who does not speak of bad or evil things. male african
AFEWORKI Tigrinya of Ethiopia equivalent of AFEWORK. male african
AFRAM Akan of Ghana name referring to the Afram River in Ghana’s Ashanti Region. male african
AHMADOU West African name. name meaning unknown. male african
AKELLO Alur of Uganda name meaning I have brought or bring forth. male african
AKIA African name meaning first born. male african
AKIN Yoruba of Nigeria name meaning warrior hero brave man.This name is often used in compound names such as Akinwole and Akintunde.
AKINWOLE Yoruba of Nigeria name meaning bravery enters this home. male african
AKINTUNDE Yoruba of Nigeria name meaning bravery returns. male african
AKINSANYA Yoruba of Nigeria name meaning bravery gets revenge. male african
AKINYEMI Yoruba of Nigeria name meaning fated to be a warrior. male african
ALAFIN A title meaning king once used by the Yoruba people of Nigeria. male african
ALI Swahili and Muslim name meaning noble exalted. male
ALPHA Guinean male name meaning leader. male african
AMADI Ibo of Nigeria unisexual name referring to the Sun God meaning rejoice.
AMAN Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning peace.It is often used as a nickname. male african
AMARE Amharic and Tigrinya of Ethiopia name meaning he is good looking. male african
AMARI Yoruba of Nigeria name meaning strength builder. male
AMAZU Ibo of Nigeria name meaning no one knows everything. male african
ANWAR Moorish name meaning lustrous bright shiny.
AREN Nigerian name meaning eagle.Also a Scandinavian name meaning rule or eagle. male
ASAD Somalian name meaning lion. male african
ASANTE Kiswahili word for thank you. male african
ASHUR Swahili name for a child born during the Muslim month of Ashur. male african
ASSEFA Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning he has increased our family by coming into this world. male african
ATA A Ghana name for a twin. male african
ATU Fante of Ghana name meaning born on Saturday. male african
AYO Of uncertain African origin.Means happiness. male african
AYUB Muslim name meaning penitent referring to the biblical Job. male african
AYUBU Swahili equivalent of Ayub meaning patience in suffering; perseverance. male
AZEKEL Angolan name meaning praising the lord. male african
AZI Nigerian name meaning youth. male african
AZIBO African name meaning the whole earth. male african
AZIKIWE African name meaning full of vigor. male african
AZIZI Swahili name and Kiswahili word meaning a treasure excellent; precious one. male
BABATUNDE Yoruba of Nigeria name meaning father has returned which means the child resembles one of his grandfatherers.Variant Tunde exists.
BABU A Kiswahili name meaning grandfather a West African name meaning willing. male
BABUKAR Wolof of Senegal name. name meaning unknown. male african
BADRU Swahili name meaning born at full moon. male african
BADU An Ashanti of Ghana name meaning tenth-born child. male african
BARRY A Guinean surname meaning the family comes from the Peul Fulani or Foulbe ethnic groups of West Africa.
BASEL Muslim name popular in Sudan meaning brave. male
BASSEY Efik of Nigeria unisexual name. name meaning unknown. male african
BEKELE Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning he has grown; he has come into being. male african
BELUCHI Ibo people of Nigeria name meaning provided God approves. male african
BERHANU Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning his light. male african
BERIHUN Amharic and Tigrinya of Ethiopia name meaning let him be our gate/our guidance. male african
BERTA Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning be strong be vigilant persevere.
BILAL A Muslim name popular in North Africa meaning black man. male
BOBO Fante of Ghana name meaning born on Tuesday.Also a Ewe of West Africa name meaning be humble. male
BOKHARI Malian meaning unknown. male african
BOLAJI Yoruba of Nigeria male name. name meaning unknown. male african
BUSIRIS Name of an ancient Egyptian king who killed visitors to his city.The name means Temple of Osiris. male african
BWANA Kiswahili and Swahili name meaning gentleman; mister; sir.Variant Mbwana exists.
CAMARA A West African male name meaning teacher. male african
CHAGA The Kiswahili word chagameans to do vigorously and be prevalent. male african
CHAKA Also spelled SHAKA a South African male name meaning Great King. male
CHEGE A Kikuyu people of Kenya male name. Meaning is unknown. male african
CHEIKH Guinean male name meaning learned. male african
CHEOPS Cheops a pharaoh of Egypt’s IV dynasty was believed to have had negroid features.He was known as Cheops to the ancient Greeks
CHICHA A West African male name meaning beloved.It is also a Kiswahili word meaning grated coconut. male african
CHINUA Ibo of Nigeria male name meaning God’s own blessing or may God hear. male african
CYPRIAN A male name of Latin origin meaning native of Cyprus. male african
DABIR Popular in North Africa meaning teacher secretary.
DALMAR Somali name meaning versatile. male african
DANIACHEW Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning you be their judge arbitrate between them. male
DANSO Ashanti of Ghana name meaning reliable. male african
DAREN Hausa of West Africa name meaning born at night. male african
DAUDI DAUDY Swahili name meaning beloved. male
DAWIT Ethiopian name referring to the biblical David meaning beloved. male
DELA EDEN Ewe of West Africa unisexual name meaning savior. male african
DEMISSIE Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning destroyer. male african
DESTA Amharic of Ethiopia unisexual name meaning joy happiness. male
DIA West African name meaning champion. male african
DIARA Name of French-speaking West Africa meaning gift. male
DIJI Ibo of Nigeria name meaning farmer. male african
DIN Congolese name meaning great. male african
DOBI Kiswahili word meaning a person who does laundry. male african
DOMEVLO Ewe of Ghana name meaning dont take others for face value. male african
DZIGBODE Ewe of Ghana name meaning patience. male african
EDET Ibibio and Efik of Nigeria name meaning born on market day. male african
EFFIOM Efik of Nigeria male name meaning crocodile. male african
ELIMU A Kiswahili word meaning science knowledge. male
ERASTO An East African name meaning man of peace. male african
ESSIEN Ochi and Ga of Ghana name meaning sixth born.Also Ibibio and Efik of Nigeria name meaning belongs to everyone. male
EZEJI Ibo of Nigeria name meaning the king of yams. male african
FARAJI Swahili name meaning consolation. male african
FELA West African name meaning warlike. male african
FODJOUR Akan of Ghana name meaning fourth born. male african
FYNN Europeanized version of Ghanaian name Offin after the Offin River. male
GABRA GEBRE Amharic of Tigrinya name meaning an offering. male
GETACHEW Amharic male name meaning their master. male african
GETEYE Amharic name meaning my master. male african
GHEDI Somali name meaning traveler. male african
GOGO Nguni of S. Africa name meaning like grandfather. male african
GUEDADO Fulani of Mali unisexual name meaning wanted by nobody. male african
GYAMFI Ashanti of Ghana name. name meaning unknown. male african
HABIB Swahili name meaning beloved. male african
HAGOS Tigrinya of Ethiopia name meaning joy happiness. male
HAJI Swahili name meaning born during the hajj. male african
HAKIM Amharic of Tigrinya of Ethiopia name meaning doctor medicine man.Most commonly used by Muslim Ethiopians. male
HANIF Swahili and Muslim name meaning believer. male african
HANISI Swahili name meaning born on Thursday. male african
HASSAN Hausa of W. Africa name meaning first born of twins. male african
HOGAN Efik of Nigeria name. name meaning unknown. male african
HONDO Zezuru of Zimbabwe name meaning war. male african
HUSANI Swahili variation of Muslim name HUSAYN meaning beautiful. male african
IDI Swahili and Muslim name meaning born during the Muslim holiday of Idd. male african
IDRISSA Senegal and Gambia name meaning immortal. male african
INIKO Efik and Ibibio of Nigeria unisexual name meaning born amidst civil war or born amidst troubled times. male african
ISKINDER Amharic of Ethiopia version of Greek name Alexander meaning defender of mankind. male african
ISSA Swahili and Muslim name meaning the Messiah. male african
JAFARI Swahili name meaning creek. male african
JAHI Swahili name meaning dignity. male african
JAJA Ibo of Nigeria name meaning God’s gift. male african
JAWARA Senegal and Gambia name meaning peace loving. male african
JELA Swahili name meaning father was suffering during birth. male african
JIMIYU Luhya of Kenya name meaning born during the dry season. male african
JIRI Zezuru of Zimbabwe name meaning forest of wild fruits. male african
JOMO Gikuyu of Kenya name meaning farmer. male african
JUMA Swahili name meaning born on Friday. male african
KAARIA Kenyan name meaning one who speaks softly but with wisdom. male african
KABAKA Name used for kings of the Buganda people of Uganda. male african
KALEB Amharic and Tigrinya of Ethiopia name referring to the biblical Cain. male african
KAMAU Kikuyu of Kenya name meaning quiet warrior. male african
KASHKA Nigerian name meaning friendly. male african
KASSA Amharic name meaning compensation or reparation. male african
KATO Runyankore of Uganda name meaning second born twin. male african
KAYIN Yoruba of Nigeria name meaning long-awaited child. male african
KEITA West African name meaning worshiper. male african
KELILE Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning my protector my gate. male
KENAN Malawi name. name meaning unknown. male african
KENYATTA East African name meaning musician. male african
KHAMISI Swahili name meaning born on Thursday. male african
KIFLE Amharic and Tigrinya name meaning my share my due. male
KIMANE Kikuyu of Kenya name meaning large bean. male african
KIMATHI Kikuyu of Kenya name meaning earnest provider. male african
KITO Swahili name meaning precious. male african
KOFI Akan name common in Ghana meaning born on Friday. male
KOJO Ashanti of Ghana name meaning born on Monday. male african
KOOFREY Ibibio and Efik of Nigeria name meaning don’t forget me. male african
KORFA Somali name. name meaning unknown. male african
KUMI Akan of Ghana name meaning forceful. male african
KWABENA Akan of Ghana name meaning born on Tuesday. male african
KWAKU Akan of Ghana name meaning born on Wednesday. male african
KWAME Akan of Ghana name meaning born on Saturday. male african
KWAMI Ewe of W. Africa name meaning born on Saturday. male african
KWESI SISI Akan of Ghana unisexual name meaning born on Sunday. male
LABAAN Somali name. name meaning unknown. male african
LEBNA Ethiopian name meaning heart or soul. male african
LEMA Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning cultivated developed. male
LUMUMBA Congolese name meaning gifted. male african
LUSALA Luhya of Kenya name meaning whip. male african
MACHUPA Swahili name meaning one who enjoys drinking. male african
MAMO Amharic of Ethiopia name used to address a little boy whose name is unknown. male african
MANI Congolese name meaning from the mountain. male african
MANU Akan of Ghana name meaning second born. male african
MANUTE Dinka of S. Sudan name. name meaning unknown. male african
MARKOS Ethiopian name referring to the biblical disciple Mark. male
MASILO Setswana of Botswana name. name meaning unknown. male african
MASKINI Swahili name and Kiswahili word meaning poor. male african
MASUD MASOUD Swahili and Muslim name meaning fortunate happy.
MATATA Swahili name meaning troublemaker. male african
MATHANI Popular Kikuyu of Kenya name meaning commandments. male african
MATUNDE Luya of Kenya name meaning fruits. male african
MEKONNEN Amharic and Tigrinya of Ethiopia name meaning the angel. male african
MELESSE Amharic and Tigrinya of Ethiopia name meaning he has returned something. male african
MENELIK Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning son of the wise manor what will he send? male african
MENSAH Ewe of Ghana name meaning third born. male african
MIRUTS Tigrinya of Ethiopia name meaning he who has been chosen. male african
MONA Swaziland name meaning jealous. male african
MONGO Yoruba of Nigeria name meaning famous. male african
MONYYAK Dinka of S. Sudan name meaning man of the drought. male african
MORENIKE Nigerian name meaning good luck. male african
MORI Ugandan name meaning born before the loan on the wife’s dowry has been paid off. male african
MOSHOESHOE Sesotho name. name meaning unknown. male african
MOSI Swahili name meaning first born. male african
MOYO Zezuru of Zimbabwe name meaning heart. male african
MUENDA Meru of Kenya name meaning one who cares for others. male african
MUREITHI Kikuyu of Kenya name meaning herdsman shepherd. male
MUSA Swahili and Muslim name popular among the Wolof of Senegal meaning mercy or saved from the water. male
MWAKA Buganda of Uganda name meaning born on New Year’s Eve. male african
MWINYI Swahili name meaning lord master king.
MWITA Swahili name and Kiswahili word meaning the one who is calling. male african
NADIF Somali name meaning born between two seasons. male african
NASSOR Swahili variation of Arab name Nasser meaning victorious. male
NDULU Ibo of Nigeria name meaning dove. male african
NEGASH Amharic and Tigrinya of Ethiopia name meaning he is bound to be king he is next in line for the throne. male
NEGASI Amharic and Tigrinya of Ethiopia name meaning he will be crowned. male african
NEGUS Norther Ethiopian name and royal title meaning king emperor. male
NJAU Kikuyu of Kenya name meaning young bull. male african
NKRUMAH NKRUMA Akan of Ghana unisexual name meaning ninth born child. male
NYASORE Kenyan name meaning the thin one. male african
OBASI Ibo of Nigeria name meaning in honor of the supreme God. male african
OBI Ibo of Nigeria name meaning heart. male african
OBIKE Ibo of Nigeria name meaning a strong household. male african
ODERO Luo of Kenya name meaning granary. male african
ODION Nigerian name meaning first born of twins. male african
OHINI OHENE Akan of Ghana name meaning chief. male
OJI Ibo of Nigeria name meaning bearer of gifts. male african
OJO Yoruba of Nigeria name used when the birth was difficult. male african
OKELLO Ateso of Uganda name meaning born after twins. male african
OKO Adangbe of Ghana name meaning twin. male african
OKOTH Ugandan name meaning born during the rains. male african
OLA Yoruba of Nigeria name meaning wealth. male african
OTHIENO Luo of Kenya name meaning born at night. male african
PALASSA This African name was popular among African slaves in North America. male african
PANYA Swahili name and Kiswahili word meaning mouse. male african
PENDA Swahili name meaning beloved. male african
PONI Bari of S. Sudan name meaning second born. male african
PAKI Xhosa of S. Africa name meaning witness. male african
PILI Swahili name meaning second born. male african
RAFIKI Kiswahili word and name meaning friend. male african
RAKANJA Muarusha of Tanzania name. name meaning unknown. male african
RASHIDI Swahili name meaning good council. male african
RETTA Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning he has triumphed he has won. male
ROBLE Somali name meaning born during the rainy season. male african
RUDO Shona of Zimbabwe name meaning love. male african
SADAKA Swahili name and Kiswahili word meaning a religious offering. male african
SALIM SALMAN Swahili name meaning peace. male
SARSA DENGEL Ethiopian name meaning penetration by osmosis. male african
SEFU Swahili name meaning sword. male african
SEKOU Guinean name meaning learned. male african
SELASSIE SELASSIEE Amharic and Tigrinya of Ethiopia unisexual name meaning trinity.This name is most commonly used as a suffix as in Haile Selassiee.
SENGHOR Senegal and Gambia name meaning descendant of the gods. male african
SHERMARKE Somali name meaning one who brings good fortune. male african
SIMBA Swahili name popular in eastern Zaire meaning lion. male
SUDI Swahili name meaning successor luck. male african
SULE West African name meaning adventurous. male african
SULTAN Swahili name meaning ruler. male african
SUNDIATA SUNDYATA SOUN Guinean name meaning hungry lion.
TABAN Somali and Ugandan name. name meaning unknown. male african
TAMIRAT Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning miracle. male african
TARIKU Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning the story behind or the events surrounding his birth. male african
TAU Tswana of Botswana name meaning lion. male african
TAYE Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning he has been seen. male african
TEFERI Amharic and Tigrinya of Ethiopia name meaning one who is ferocious one who is feared by his rivals. male
TEGENE Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning my protector. male african
TEKA Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning he has replaced. male african
TEKLE Amharic and Tigrinya of Ethiopia name meaning my plant which literally implies I gave my seed to him. male african
TESFAYE Amharic and Tigrinya of Ethiopia name meaning my hope. male african
TESSEMA Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning he has been heard people listen to him. male
TEWODROS Ethiopian version of Greek Theodore meaning gift of god. male
TOBECHUKWU Ibo of Nigeria name meaning praise God. male african
TOMI Kalarbari of Nigeria name meaning the people. male african
TONYE Ijaw of Niger name. name meaning unknown. male african
TUNDE A Yoruba of Nigeria name meaning returns.Most often used as a suffix in larger names. For example male african
TUTU West African name meaning cliff dweller. male african
UCHECHI UCHI Ibo of Nigeria name meaning God’s will. male
VITA Luya of Kenya name meaning war. male african
WACHIRU Kikuyu of Kenya name meaning lawmaker’s son. male african
WAMBUA Kamba of Kenya name meaning born during the rainy season. male african
WAMOCHA Luhya of Kenya name meaning never satisfied. male african
WANGOMBE Kikuyu of Kenya name meaning one who owns many cows. male african
WANJALA Luya of Kenya name meaning famine. male african
WANJOHI Kikuyu of Kenya name meaning brewer. male african
WEKESA Luhya of Kenya name meaning born during harvest time. male african
XOLA Xhosa of S. Africa name meaning stay in peace. male african
YAHYA Swahili name meaning God’s gift. male african
YAO Ewe of Ghana name meaning born on Thursday. male african
YAVU Lunda of Zaire name. name meaning unknown. male african
YEKUNO AMLAK Ethiopian name meaning let him be good to God. male african
YERA South African name meaning warrior. male african
YERODIN Congolese name meaning studious. male african
YESUTO Ewe of Ghana name meaning belongs to Jesus. male african
YOHANCE Hausa of W. Africa name meaning God’s gift. male african
YUSUF Swahili and Muslim name meaning the beautiful or he shall increase. male african
ZAHUR Swahili name meaning flower. male african
ZERE Amharic of Ethiopia name meaning the seed of the descendant of. male
ZEBENJO Ibo of Nigeria name meaning avoid sins. male african
ZESIRO Buganda of Uganda name meaning first born of twins. male african
ZIFA Ijaw of Niger name. name meaning unknown. male african
ZOLA Xhosa of S. Africa name meaning quietness. male african
ZUBERI r Swahili name meaning strong. male african


 NAMES and Meaning of Names.

National Origins and Name Meanings.
This is a comprehensive list of ideas for baby names. Meaning of names for boys and girls names from around the world.

 Meaning of names for boys and girls names from around the world.
It’s a must for new Moms and Dads. 

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The Science Of Birth Order


By Helen Burns

The Science of Birth Order! It has been the topic of controversy between psychologists over the last century.

Theory of Birth Order

While a school of researchers strictly maintain that there is a definite relation between how a child will grow up and his order of birth within the family, others still argue that there is no concrete relation to support this and these claims are merely a way of fitting our personal observations and perceptions into a definite scientific model. Mostly, both of these theories are equally likely as there is no definite evidence to support either.

Firstborn and Youngest Child

History shows that most of the Nobel Laureates and scholarship winners are firstborn. As has been suggested, this is primarily because of the higher IQs and pronounced genetic and psychological causes. Researchers argue that any firstborn will have a kind of status quo for leadership.

They are usually accustomed to taking charges and leading a situation head-on, primarily because the eldest in any family usually has to pave the way for their younger siblings. Contrast this with the youngest in any family. It has been hypothesized that younger brothers usually are the spoilt ones usually because they are always pampered by everyone in their family and they never let go of being the “baby” in the family.

Being always waited on usually changes the social interactions one has with society. But the biggest brunt is usually felt by the middle sibling. This is primarily because they tend to be looked on as having to perform at least as much as their elder peer and yet they observe their younger siblings get preferential treatment all the time. This puts a kind of pressure from both sides.


Alfred Adler, Austrian psychiatrist, well known within the field of child psychology, coined the theory of dethronement. This theory basically looks at the psychological effects of child order and how firstborn and second-born children fall into the family system.  Adler believed that birth order had a considerable effect on a child’s personality and mental state.

The firstborn has all his or her parents’ attention and energies channelled solely towards them. They are the pivot of their parents’ love. Once the second child is born, the first child is suddenly displaced and becomes subordinate to the newborn sibling; parents now divert their attention towards the second child and the firstborn experiences “dethronement”.

Middle Child

If a third child is born, it is the middle child who loses out from his or her parents’ affections the most. The second-born does not experience dethronement. The youngest child automatically gets pigeonholed as “the youngest” and thus, gets particular interest from the parents. Often the youngest children are considered to be doted upon to the point of being spoilt or excessively pampered. The eldest child is always encouraged to supervise and take care of their younger siblings.

Which Sibling is the Most Responsible Due to Birth Order?

The sense of responsibility, although sometimes excessive, as well as a sense of superiority may lead to neurosis with a higher tendency for the eldest child to abuse substances. The middle child is the one that loses out most as they are neither “here nor there” this does, however, instigate an urge to develop and be successful, although their subordinate role in the family leads them to be rebellious children.

Genetics: Does it play a role?

Studies have established links between birth order, intelligence and personality. Firstborn children will be glad to hear that a study carried out in Norway showed that firstborn babies have a higher IQ than their siblings this is, however, probably not due to genetics but rather to the role older siblings play in the family unit and vis-à-vis their brothers and sisters.  Scientists have found few links between genetics and birth order and genetic testing has proved inconclusive. Studies are still far from being fully developed and require further research for full scientific validation.

Personality and Intelligence and Birth Order

Rather than using genetics to explain personality and intelligence, scientists have taken a more pragmatic approach. For example, the more children one has, the lower the chances one has of being firstborn.

Someone born in a two children family has a 50% chance of being firstborn but this probability falls the mother children a family has. Furthermore, financial resources might be limited and diminish as more children are born into a family. The firstborn might benefit more from resources than the fifth child for example as resources may have dwindled considerably by the time the last child is born.

Darwin’s theory and Birth Order

It has been hypothesized that Darwin’s theory of Evolution with respect to the survival of the fittest is highly applicable in any familial setting. Parents are usually not able to distribute their love equally to all their children. As a result, most children have to develop strategies to take any unoccupied niche of attention. Although this provides a kind of competitive atmosphere, weak-willed children often buckle at the pressure.

Stereotypical models of families have shown that elder brothers are usually motivated and authoritative, middle ones are constantly compared to their siblings and indirectly belittled by the comparison and youngest siblings are usually dreamers.

Examples to support this fact include Lincoln who was the eldest child and the revolutionary, Marx who was the youngest in their respective families, among numerous others. However, it has also been argued that we have no real way of corroborating this fact primarily because we do not have sufficient data to corroborate these claims. We merely fit our findings into a convenient pattern which we formulate to suit our needs.

What recent studies show about birth order

But recent studies have shown that the eldest child in any family usually has a 1 to 3 point higher IQ than their immediate sibling, while the difference is around 1 point between the 2nd and the 3rd. The difference gets inconclusive after that point. I

t has been theorized that this is mainly because the eldest child in any family usually has the highest amount of interaction with their parents in childhood. Being in the constant company of elders helps them to build sound foundations and receive a lot of intellectual stimuli.

Not only that, they usually have to look after their younger siblings, thus helping them develop a sense of authority and responsibility. The middle one, on the other hand, has to handle interactions from both sides; they are usually good team players and can view the world from others’ perspectives.

Traits like openness to radical ideas and high social interactions, on the other hand, are attributed to the youngest of siblings. Nevertheless, these traits become of less significance if the gaps between their birth years are more than five, as psychologists have pointed out.

This is mainly because parents then divert most of their attention to successive children. These children are usually known as “pseudo firstborn” because they tend to receive almost as much attention from their adult peers as had their elder brother or sister.

Most of this data, however, breaks down when the children chosen for the study are taken from different families. This is mainly because genetic traits usually dominate the psychological ones when the sample space is from different contexts. So no matter whether a relation between birth order and personality exists or not, the main factor, at the end of the day is always dependant on the experiences a child gains while growing up.

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Sugar Bee Baby Connected Parenting Insights

mom toddler baby on tablet

Ready to be a parent?

Ready to be parent?

12% of new parents felt very prepared to become a parent.

50% were surprised by the lack of sleep new parents get

37% surprised how hard it can be to get a new baby to fall asleep

31% unaware of the amount of stuff a baby needs. 

Speaking of all the Baby Stuff

More than half of parents (56 percent) revealed that their baby has a more expensive personal care routine than them. 

Additionally, on average, parents revealed that their diaper bag has about 10 items in it.  

“The beauty of modern parenting is that we can all connect on the fact that no one has it all together,” said Jeanne Collins, Prestige Consumer Healthcare. “Not only is it about laughing through the little mishaps that happen along the way, but also finding solutions that uniquely work for you as a parent..”

Who Parents Turn To for Advice?

  • When they need parenting advice, those surveyed turn first to their partner (42 percent), then to their mother (41 percent) or to other parents (31 percent). 
  • In this modern day and age, 17 percent also rely on the internet for parenting questions and almost 10 percent look toward social media for advice.

First Time Second Moms

84% of moms reported clear differences between being a mom of one and being a mom of two.

50% moms expected that parenting would be harder with two children,

44 % found that being a mom of two is more difficult.

90% had a greater sense of confidence as a parent

48 percent realized it’s okay that they “can’t do it all.”

One in three moms reported worrying less and having less anxiety with baby number two compared with baby number one.

50% of moms reported financial obligations were more stressful after their second child arrived.  

71% are more likely to shop for store brands and other lower-cost options for things such as diapers, baby wipes, and infant formula with baby number two.  

63% of moms reported the biggest lesson from baby number two was knowing you don’t need the latest gadget to have a happy baby.

“Second-time moms are more cost-conscious and feel more confident choosing a store brand infant formula because they realize store brand formula provides the same complete nutrition for baby as the more expensive name brands,” said Rallie McAllister, MD, MPH, family physician and co-author of The Mommy MD Guide to Feeding Your Baby Right.“All infant formulas are required to meet the same FDA standards, which means store brand infant formula has the same high quality as the nationally advertised brands and can also save families up to $900 a year.”1

Top Challenges for Second-time Moms

71% report it is difficult to split attention among children

54% report greater emotional demands

47% double the workload

45% less sleep

57% of moms reported less time to relax with baby number two

44% percent wish others had told them that self-care would be more important than ever with the arrival another newborn.

Taking a bath, exercising, and having a glass of wine ranked highest for the best ways to unwind for some much needed “me time.” For moms looking to find the perfect balance of parenting and personal time, using parenting resources is an easy way to help navigate the challenges of caring for more than one child.

Survey sources :Boudreaux’s Butt Paste and

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The top 5 ways to get your “picky eaters” to eat

by Margie Manion

Feeding your child, especially toddlers, can be such a daily hardship for so many parents! You wonder if they are getting enough food, the right foods, and whether or not they are on a healthy and normal eating schedule.

I have provided some simple ways of ensuring a positive eating experience for even the pickiest eaters.

Here are simple ways to ensure a positive eating experience for picky eaters

  1. Make sure they are really hungry

    Don’t worry about the fact that your baby isn’t interested in eating- they will let you know when they are hungry! Kids are on their own schedule and the goal is to ultimately get them on our schedule. They may not be hungry at your 6:00 dinnertime. They may be starving at 4:30- it is a process! If your child isn’t hungry at dinnertime and you think it is because they are snacking all day, make sure they are snacking on healthy foods and you will feel better about them not eating a full meal.

  2. Positive environment.

    Give your child the gift of time. Nobody likes to be rushed when they are eating. Calm parents and surroundings will set you up for a delightful experience. Children feed off of your emotions, if they since forcefulness or desperateness, you may be pushing them away. Most pediatricians will tell you to evaluate what your child has eaten over a three day period- not one day.

  3. Special feeding spoon.

    No parent can escape the inevitable struggle of trying to get a child to open wide during mealtime, and we’ve all tried the age-old trick of making the airplane noise. You might try a baby food dispensing spoon which when you squeeze it dishes out a spoonful of food and doesn’t require having to return to the bowl to get more food .

  4. Be Creative.

    Choose foods that are brightly colored, or arrange them in funny shapes or faces on your child’s plate. Expose your children to a variety of foods. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean your child won’t.

  5. Involve Your Child

    Mealtime is a family event. Even if your child refuses to eat, they should still have to sit at the table with the rest of the family. You can also involve older children to help with the preparation. Children can tear lettuce, wash veggies, and even set the table. Kids are more likely to eat the food if they were involved in the process. Make it an ‘event’ in your family by planning it, looking forward to it, and talking about it!